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Education and Training

Finished projects


Project title Unequal Access to Education: The Extent, Sources, Social and Economic Consequences, Policy Strategies.
Project duration 2004 - 2009

This is a five-year project carried out as part of the research programme of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR "Modern Society and Its Changes". The main implementer is the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences. The co-implementers are the National Observatory and the National Institute for Technical and Vocational Education. The project explores the sources of inequalities in access to education in the CR and seeks to explain the principles and mechanisms of their transmission. In the project the National Observatory focuses on the issue of continuing education and training (the factors involved and barriers to participation) in terms of its potential to compensate for educational inequalities that emerge in the course of formal education.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Nerovnosti v účasti dospělých na dalším vzdělávání ("Inequalities in Participation of Adults in Continuing Education and Training"). Working Paper NOZV-NVF č. 1/2005. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2005.
Text ve formátu PDF Matoušková, Z., Vymazal, J.: Vliv informačních a komunikačních technologií na další vzdělávání ("The Influence of Information and Communication Technologies on Continuing Education and Training"). Working Paper NVF-NOZV č. 3/2006. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2006.
Text ve formátu PDF Jedličková, P.: Přístup k využívání ICT z hlediska dalšího vzdělávání : nerovnosti v zapojení do informační společnosti ("Access to ICT in Terms of Continuing Education and Training: Inequalities in Participation in an Information Society"). Working Paper 5/2006. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2006.

Project title Overseas Information Monitor Reports
Project duration 2007 - 2008

A total of five thematic analytical/descriptive reports were gradually developed as part of the project. They provide information about the system of vocational education and training (VET), the labour market and the related legislation in the Czech Republic. The contracting authority is the Japanese OVTA (Overseas Vocational Training Association). The first report contains an overview and a brief description of legislation concerned with the labour market and employment; the second report analyses the current situation in the labour market; the third report describes the VET system and policy and the fourth deals with VET standards and evaluation. The fifth report monitors the conditions related to the international mobility of the workforce.

Project outcomes:

Text ve formátu PDF Overseas monitroing reports : the Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2007.


Project title Lifelong learning strategy
Project duration 2007

National Observatory took part in the development of background material concerned with continuing education and training for a government paper entitled "Lifelong Learning Strategy". The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports as a response to a call of the European Commission's bodies urging the member countries to develop national lifelong learning strategies placed within the European context. The objective of the project was to develop strategic materials building on European and national strategic documents that would identify the strengths and weaknesses in various sectors of lifelong learning and set the main strategic directions and measures for further development.
The team of the National Observatory was in charge of analysing and articulating strategic measures in the area of continuing education and training.

Project outcome (available in English): The document "Lifelong Learning Strategy" as approved by the Government of the Czech Republic in August 2007 is available at the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports


Project title TrainSME
Project duration 2004 - 2007

Ilustrace: Kompendium TrainSME The two-and-half-year pilot project TrainSME (Innovative Vocational Training Approaches in Small and Micro Enterprises) was implemented as part of the Leonardo da Vinci programme in 2004-2007. It was aimed at improving the quality of systems of continuing training in small and micro enterprises by means of developing and testing simple instruments designed to identify training needs. Another objective was to increase the overall level of awareness of the potential of continuing training with a particular focus on micro enterprises. The project was coordinated by the Multidisciplinary European Research Institute in Gratz, Austria. Apart from Austria and the Czech Republic the partner countries included Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Germany and Greece. The final project conference was held on 15 March 2007 in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria. For more information see
Project outcomes: A set of electronic tools for identification of training needs. Interactive questionnaires are used to assess the overall situation as regard vocational training in an enterprise, to evaluate the professional profiles of employees and to obtain recommendations as to how staff development should be improved and what type of training should be chosen. The toolkit is available for free at here (English version).

The TrainSME compendium. A printed publication providing general information about the project and a detailed description of the electronic tools and the ways in which they can be used. Moreover, it contains all findings ascertained during the work on the project. A CD presenting the electronic toolkit is also part of the compendium.


Project title EVABCOM
Project duration 2003 - 2005

Logo EVABCOM DThe two-year project EVABCOM (Evaluation of Vocational Competence Development through Development Tasks Based on the Work Process) was implemented as part of the Leonardo da Vinci programme in 2003 - 2005. This pilot project aimed to test and develop methodologies focused on identifying work tasks in modern and rapidly developing occupations, and on assessing the level of vocational competencies acquired as part of the training of students. The project was coordinated by the ITB Institute of the University of Bremen (other partners: Škoda auto, a.s., VW Slovakia, MotorPolska, VW Bildungsinstitut Zwickau, L´Oreal France, Cereq - Francie, University of Stirling - the United Kingdom). The National Observatory's task in the project was to assess the competencies within the "mechatronic" profession. It was concerned with adapting assessment methods to Czech and Slovak conditions and with organising seminars for workers and trainees. The project outputs include methodologies for running seminars and a description of core tasks of the "mechatronic" profession. The final conference presenting the project results was held in August 2005 in Prague.

Project outcomes:

Project title Achieving the Lisbon goal: the contribution of VET
Project duration 2004

In 2004 an analytical project was implemented focused on preparing a study for the conference of Education Ministers of EU member countries in Maastricht in December 2004. The National Observatory was part of an international consortium led by the Qualification Curriculum Authority (the UK). The other partners were major European institutions in the area of education (BIBB - Germany, ITB - Germany, CEREQ - France, ISFOL - Italy, CINOP - the Netherlands, Danish Technological Institute - Denmark, Navigator Consulting Group - Greece). The key themes of the report included: evaluation of the development of national systems of vocational education and training in view of achieving the Lisbon objectives, identification of innovative processes in education, and an analysis of progress made in the development of competencies for the European labour market. The National Observatory prepared background national reports for the CR, Poland and Slovakia, and contributed to the process of finalising the study..

Project outcome (available in English):

Text ve formátu PDF Vocational education and training - key to the future (Synthesis from Cedefop). Thessaloniki, Cedefop 2004. ISBN 92-896-0329-1.


Project title Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training in the Czech Republic
Project duration 1997 - 2003

The project comprised the development of an annual periodic report which was published in 1997 - 2002 and provided an overview of initial and continuing education policy, the relevant legal and financial aspects, the involvement of social partners and the effects of bilateral and multilateral support from foreign sources. Furthermore, it articulated the problems related to the development of vocational training in terms of its links to the labour market.

Project outcomes (available in English):

Modernisation of vocational education and training in the Czech Republic.Torino, ETF, update 1999.
Report on the vocational education and training system - Czech Republic 1999. Torino, ETF 1999.
Text ve formátu PDF Vocational education and training in the Czech Republic 2001. Torino, ETF 2001.
Text ve formátu PDF Modernisation of Vocational Education and Training in Transition Countries, National Report. Praha, NOZV-NVF, up-date 2001.
Text ve formátu PDF Short Country Report on Recent Developments in Education, Training and Employment Policy - Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2002.
Text ve formátu PDF Short Country Report on Recent Developments in Education, Training and Employment Policy - Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Country Monograph
Project duration 2001

A study undertaken in 2001 in order to provide background material for the European Training Foundation and the European Commission. It provides an overview of the legislative environment, government policy priorities, implementation structures and financial and human resources in the system of vocational education and training and employment services. The following factors are taken into account: I) the relevance of the structure and content of policies in view of the labour market needs; II) the capacity of the system of vocational training and employment services to promote social inclusion of disadvantaged groups of young people and adults, and to ensure equal opportunities; III) approaches conducive to the development of entrepreneurial skills and mobility in the labour market.

Project outcome: (available in English)

Text ve formátu PDF Monographs Candidate Countries: Vocational Education and Training and Employment services in the Czech Republic. Torino, ETF 2002. ISBN 92-9157-292-6.


Project title Memorandum on Lifelong Learning
Project duration 2001

The project entitled "Consultation Process on the Memorandum on Lifelong Learning", which was published by the European Commission in November 2000, was implemented in June 2001. The Observatory co-ordinated a broad expert debate on the six key messages set forth in the Memorandum.

Project outcome:

Consultation process on the Memorandum on Lifelong Learning, Czech Republic (a final report). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2001.


Project title Key Indicators
Project duration 1998 - 2003

In the period 1998-2003 the National Observatory annually prepared, in line with the ETF's assignment, selected indicators on the labour market and education. The indicators concern the economic activity of various groups of the population, participation in education, dropouts of the education system, the educational process and pedagogical staff, lifelong learning, and the funding of vocational education and training from public and private resources. The reports were used to compare the situation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with that in some other countries.

Project outcome:

Text ve formátu PDF Klíčové ukazatele - Odborné vzdělávání a příprava ve střední a východní Evropě. ("Key Indicators - Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe") Praha, NOZV-NVF 1998.
Text ve formátu PDF Klíčové ukazatele - Odborné vzdělávání a příprava ve střední a východní Evropě. ("Key Indicators - Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe"). Praha, NOZV-NVF 1999. ISBN 80-211-0317-5.

Key Indicators 2000 - Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe. Torino, ETF 2001. ISBN 92-9157-246-2.
Text ve formátu PDF Klíčové ukazatele 2000 - Odborné vzdělávání a příprava ve střední a východní Evropě. ("Key Indicators - Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe"). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2001. ISBN 80-238-7172-2

Key indicators 2001. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2001.
Key indicators 2002. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.
Key indicators 2003. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Education and Training against Social Exclusion
Project duration 2000-2001

A project (2000-2001) initiated by the ETF in Central and Eastern European partner countries. The study analyses the situation of groups at risk of social exclusion and assesses various measures of state employment and education policy. The ETF is responsible for the preparation of a comparative analysis.


Project title Research into Vocational Education and Training in Central and Eastern Europe
Project duration 1999-2000

PA part of a regular Cedefop report about the current state of research on vocational education and training in Europe. The Czech Observatory prepared a comparative analysis (1999-2000) on research projects in the domain of vocational education and the labour market identifying gaps and future priorities in Central and Eastern European countries.

Project outcome:
Text ve formátu PDF Research on Vocational Education and Training at the Crossroads of Transition in Central and Eastern Europe: Comparative Analysis of Eleven Countries. In: 2nd Report on VET Research in Europe. Luxembourg, OOPEC 2001. ISBN 92-896-0034-0


Project title Continuing Vocational Education in the Czech Republic
Project duration 1999

A report published in 1999 describing the state of affairs and obstacles to the development of continuing vocational training in the Czech Republic, in-service training, the market of educational services, and donors' initiatives in the field. It also deals with the concept of vocational training as part of an active employment policy and sectoral human resources development projects.

Project outcome:

Přehled o dalším odborném vzdělávání v České republice. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1999.

Overview of Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the Czech Republic. Torino, ETF 1999.


Project title Transition of Young People from School to Employment
Project duration 1997 - 1999

A project in which the Observatory performed the function of a national co-ordinator of an OECD comparative study. The project outcomes provided a comprehensive analysis of the situation in the Czech Republic on the basis of a comparison with selected OECD countries.

Project outcome:

Text ve formátu PDF Přechod mezi počátečním vzděláváním a zaměstnáním : background report. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1997.
Text ve formátu PDF Přechod mezi počátečním vzděláváním a zaměstnáním, rozbor situace - Česká republika. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1997.
Text ve formátu PDF The transition from initial education to working life, Country Note: The Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1997.
Text ve formátu PDF Problémy přechodu mládeže ze školy do zaměstnání : sborník ze semináře. Praha, NOZV- NVF 1999.


Project title The Role of Social Partners in Vocational Training í
Project duration 1998

A part of an ETF international comparative project. The study provides information about the situation in the CR and focuses, above all, on the legal framework, financial aspects and the organisational structure of social partnership in the CR.

Project outcome:

Text ve formátu PDF Národní zpráva o roli sociálních partnerů v rozvoji odborného vzdělávání v České republice. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1997.

Proceedings from the Seminar on the Role of Social Partners in the Development of Qualification Standards and in the Financing of VET. Praha, NOZV-NVF 1998.