People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003


What is CEKAS?

CEKAS is abbreviation for the Centre for Quality and Standards in Social Services. This centre is part of the National Training Fund.

Why we have established CEKAS?

The idea to establish this centre has come to its existence in autumn 2002 following a citizen initiative. We addressed approximately 60 experts who had already participated on projects realized in the cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the National Training Fund. Most of these experts approved the necessity to establish a centre of this kind.

There are results of many pilot projects of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and other NGOs projects where the National Training Fund played the role of organizer or partner. We consider it to be very important to enable wider use of these results and to transmit them to authorities, experts and also users of social services themselves.

What are CEKAS objectives?

  • To provide a space for cooperation between NGOs, state authorities (Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Health) and local authorities (regions, cities and communities) via partner projects and other initiatives.
  • To transmit information and experience of best practice between Czech Republic and foreign countries.
  • To go along with and support providers of social services in gradual implementation of quality standards of social services.
  • To support education, training and supervision of experts who participate in evaluation of quality of social services and in evaluation of related quality standards.
  • To realize or mediate pilot projects in area of development of new evaluation and self-evaluation methodology.
  • To do fundraising for above mentioned areas.
You can find more information on CEKAS webpage.