The National Observatory is an analytical section of the NTF. Its research work is focused on labour market issues - i.e. employment, human resources development, forecasting skill needs and both initial and, in particular, continuing vocational training.
The Observatory provides information about the development of human resources, collects data and analyses trends in education and the labour market against the background of social and economic changes. As part of the analyses extensive surveys are conducted, the results of which facilitate up-to-date information concerning specific areas that are not covered by regular statistical data.
International networks. The National Observatory is involved in expert networks cooperating at European level (ReferNet, SkillsNet).
Partnership and cooperation. The National Observatory carries out expert studies for national ministries (particularly the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), the European Commission, the OECD, Cedefop, etc. During project implementation it cooperates with foreign partner organisations (e.g. QCA - the UK, BIBB - Germany, CEREQ and OREF - France, ISFOL - Italy, University of Bremen - Germany, ROA - the Netherlands, ESRI - Ireland). In the Czech Republic the Observatory cooperates particularly with research institutions concerned with labour market issues, education and training and social affairs
(Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the CR, Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, National Institute for Technical and Vocational Education, Institute for Information on Education, Centre for Higher Education Studies, CERGE), as well as with employer organisations, trade unions and the Czech Statistical Office.
Publications. The outputs of the National Observatory's activities are published in the form of working papers, reports and studies focusing on various areas of education, qualification needs and employment, and also in the form of statistical data concerning selected aspects of education and vocational training and the labour market. Based on such information, recommendations are formulated in order to support the development of initial as well as continuing education and training. The outputs are presented in the Publications section.