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Evaluation of Policies and Programmes

Completed projects

Project title Strategy for Evaluation of the Operational Programme - HRD for the 2004-2006 Programming Period
Project duration 2004 - 2006

Logo ESF The material defines programme evaluation procedures for the given period, identifies types of evaluation reports and a time schedule for their development. It also proposes an organisational framework for evaluation, the position of the evaluation unit and that of independent evaluators and designates ways of co-operation between the various components of the organisational framework. It explains the links between monitoring and evaluation, and the sources of additional data - particularly in relation to the evaluation of the programme's effects.

Project outcome (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Strategie hodnocení Operačního programu Rozvoj lidských zdrojů na období 2004 - 2006. (Strategy for Evaluation of the Operational Programme - Human Resources Development for the 2004-2006 Period). Praha, NOZV - NVF.


Project title Ex-ante Evaluation of the Supplement to the Operational Programme - Human Resources Development
Project duration 2004

The ex-ante evaluation of the Supplement was carried out for the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA). It covers the following perspectives: (i) evaluation of conformity with programme objectives and internal consistency of the objectives with the activities within individual measures, (ii) evaluation of proposed management systems including criteria for project selection, and (iii) evaluation of the quality of the monitoring system.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante hodnocení Dodatku Operačního programu Rozvoj lidských zdrojů. (Ex-ante Evaluation of the Supplement to the Operational Programme - Human Resources Development). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2004.


Project title Ex-ante Evaluation of the Supplement to the Single Programming Document for Objective 3 of NUTS 2 the Prague Region
Project duration 2004

Fondy EU The ex-ante evaluation of the Supplement was carried out for the MoLSA. As with the evaluation of the Supplement to the Operational Programme - Human Resources Development it included the following perspectives: (i) evaluation of conformity with programme objectives and internally consistency of the objectives with the activities within individual measures, (ii) evaluation of proposed management systems including criteria for project selection, and (iii) evaluation of the quality of the monitoring system.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante hodnocení Dodatku Jednotného programového dokumentu pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 Hl.m. Praha. (Ex-ante Evaluation of the Supplement to the Single Programming Document for Objective 3 of NUTS 2 the Prague Region). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2004.


Project title Ex-ante Evaluation of the Single Programming Document - Objective 3
Project duration 2003

A project (2002-2003) funded by the MoLSA. It aims to develop an ex-ante evaluation study concerning the SPD - Objective 3 - Prague.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante hodnocení Jednotného programového dokumentu pro cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 Praha. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.
Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante Evaluation of the Single Programming Document for Objective 3 Prague. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Development of a Framework for Systemic Evaluation of the Outcomes of the National Employment Action Plan (NEAP)
Project duration 2002-2003

A project (2002-2003) funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and designed to develop a systemic framework for evaluation of the NEAP based both on an overview of procedures applied in EU member states and on requirements deriving from new EU Employment Strategy Guidelines.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Rámec hodnocení Národního akčního plánu zaměstnanosti (Framework for Evaluation of the National Employment Action Plan) - background partial outputs: Evaluation of the Results of a Questionnaire Survey at Labour Offices; Experience of EU Member Countries in Preparation, Implementation and Evaluation of NEAP). Prague, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Ex-ante Evaluation of the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development
Project duration 2002-2003

An evaluation (2002-2003) was funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and aimed to assess the OP HRD in line with the methodology of the European Commission. The evaluation was focused on the extent to which the programme complies with European Employment Strategy and national policies, on verification of its priorities and objectives and on assessing the quality of managing and monitoring mechanisms.

Project outcomes:

Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante hodnocení Operačního programu Rozvoj lidských zdrojů. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.
Text ve formátu PDF Ex-ante Evaluation of the operational Programme Human Resources Development. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Provisions for Basic Activities of the Secretariat of the Working Group for Evaluation
Project duration 2002-2004

A project (2002-2003) funded by the MoLSA. The project comprises administrative support and expertise for the activities of the Working Group for Evaluation, which was set up in order to co-ordinate evaluation of ESF programmes. The secretariat organises the Group's meetings, prepares background materials, provides for the professional content of seminars, supports the transfer of know-how and facilitates communication between the Working Group and the Evaluation Unit of the European Commission. A web-site of the Working Group for Evaluation of Human Resources Development and Employment Programmes has been developed and is continuously updated as part of the project.


Project title Ex-ante Evaluation of European Initiative EQUAL in the Czech Republic
Project duration 2001

In 2001 the National Observatory was commissioned to carry out an "Ex-ante Evaluation of the European EQUAL Initiative in the Czech Republic". The objective of the evaluation was to describe and assess the starting conditions in the CR which are important in terms of the content of the EQUAL programme. The development within the thematic components was analysed, priorities were suggested and a range of experienced institutions, which may also guarantee success of prospective development partnerships, was identified.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Evaluace ex-ante evropské iniciativy EQUAL v České republice. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2001.