People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003

The ESF section was created in 2004 when the implementation of ESF programmes in the Czech Republic started. The activities follow the previous NTF involvement in Phare and Equal programmes. The section consists of two teams - the Labour Market Team, which administers four grant schemes of the Operational Programme for Human Resource Development (OP HRD) that operates in the whole territory of the Czech Republic except for Prague since 2007 and the Adaptability Team, which administers three grant schemes of the Objective 3 Single Programming Document (SPD 3) for Prague since 2004. Within all these grant schemes the section is responsible for sound administration of 235 projects in total. Besides this the section provides technical assistance for implementing of a unified administrative framework for projects in the grant schemes in OP HRD and SPD3. The section also took part in drafting these programme documents.