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About NTF

National Training Fund - activities

The National Training fund, o.p.s, (NTF) was established in 1994 by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic with the support from the European Commission. The NTF supports human resources development, employability, continuing education and training and social integration.

The NTF implements its mission through:

  • analytical and policy work and methodological, educational, guidance and information activities
  • administration of ESF projects

The main NTF activities in the current period:

  • Support for the Human Resources Development Strategy at national and regional levels
  • Administration and development of the portal - an inspirational databank for strategic management of human resources development
  • Support for main subjects operating in the labour market in the Czech Republic - the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, labour offices in regions and other organizations cooperating with employment services
  • Analyses of trends and policies in employment and education, research into the quality of human resources
  • Support for guidance services in employment and education and project activities in this area - Guidance Services Support Unit
  • Programming and implementation of the European Social Fund in the Czech Republic

National and international partnerships

Since its establishment the National Training Fund has been co-operating, as part of an extensive partnership, with a number of state administration bodies, and employer and trade union organisations - particularly with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Office of the Government and the Government Council for Human Resource Development. Moreover, the NTF co-operates with regions, educational institutions, research institutes and enterprises.

In the international arena the most important partners include the European Commission, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), European Training Foundation (ETF), European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), the Central European Initiative, etc.

The Director of NTF and all its units is PhDr. Miroslava Kopicová.