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International Networks

Running projects

Project title SkillsNet
Project duration from 2003

Logo SkillsNet The purpose of the SkillsNet network is to bring together qualified researchers and other experts in the areas of employment, labour market and education. Their task is to address issues focusing on the rapidly changing requirements for the knowledge and skills of the workforce and on the methods of their identification so that education systems can respond to them in a timely manner through the training of both pupils and adults. The network was set up by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) in 2003.

Over the course of its existence SkillsNet has prepared a number of seminars and conferences. These included, for example, the Agora conference "Skills for Europe's Future" in 2008, "Emerging Technologies: New Skills in the Field of Nanotechnology" in 2005 (Stuttgart, Germany) "Feasibility Workshop on European Skill Needs Forecasting" in 2005 (Paphos, Cyprus), "Trends and Related Skill Needs in the Tourism Sector" (Halle, Germany) in 2004, "Systems, Institutional Frameworks and Processes for Early Identification of Skill Needs" in 2004 (Dublin, Ireland) and "Early Identification of Skill Needs in Europe" in 2003 (Thessaloniki, Greece). SkillsNet issues interesting publications drawing on expert papers delivered at these events.

SkillsNet is a free association that can be joined by anyone interested in these issues. Further details and links to network members can be found on the Internet at:


Project title ReferNet
Project duration from 2004

Logo ReferNet In June 2004 the Czech Republic joined the European Network of Reference and Expertise that was founded by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop). The objective of the network is to collect, exchange and disseminate information about vocational education and training, human resources development and related areas in EU member countries. The ReferNet network operates on the basis of national consortia established in all EU member countries that consist of institutions concerned with vocational education and training in the given country. The National Observatory and the National Institute for Technical and Vocational Training alternate every two years in the position of the national coordinator of the Czech ReferNet. For more details and publications see

Project outputs:

Text ve formátu PDF Vocational education and training. Aktualizace 2007. Praha, ReferNet 2007.
Text ve formátu PDF Continuing education and training. Praha, ReferNet 2005.
Text ve formátu PDF Odborné vzdělávání v České republice (přehledová zpráva). Praha, ReferNet 2005.
Text ve formátu PDF Vocational education and training in the Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV / NUOV 2005.
Text ve formátu PDF Terminology of vocational training policy. Thessaloniki, Cedefop 2004. ISBN 92-896-0272-4


Completed projects

Project title The Network of National Observatories at the European Training Foundation
Project duration 1996 - 2004

Logo ETF In 1996-2004 the National Observatory of Employment and Training was part of a network of observatories set up by the European Training Foundation (ETF). The ETF is a specialised agency of the European Commission for cooperation with partner countries in education and labour market issues. The task of the observatories was to collect, process and analyse information to be published in reports and data summaries. The objective was to develop a single database that would serve the needs of the European Commission, national bodies of state administration and self-administration, and other international and national institutions. The observatories also carried out pilot projects supporting the development of education and the labour market in the relevant countries and implemented international examples of good practice in local conditions. For further information see


Project title EURONE&T - "Towards the European Society - Challenges for Education and Training Policies and Research Arising from European Integration and Enlargement"
Project duration 2001 - 2004

Logo EURONE&T A project (2001-2004) within the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission. The EURONE&T thematic network focuses on the effects of social, political and economic integration on European society, particularly on education and training policy and other policies, which are either related to learning or which affect it directly or indirectly. It consists of three main thematic domains which examine the challenges of European integration for education and training policies from the perspective of EU member states and pre-accession countries, and also in terms of the requirements for research into education and training policy and methodology. The Observatory co-ordinates the domain which is concerned with the mutual interaction and relationships between EU learning-related policies and those of candidate