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Competitivenes and human resources

Running projects

Project title Research Centre for Competitiveness of the Czech Economy
Project duration 2005 - 2011

Logo CVKS This project is realised (2005-2011) as part of a MoEYS programme for supporting research and development entitled "Research Centres". "Centrum výzkumu konkurenční schopnosti české ekonomiky" (Research Centre for Competitiveness of the Czech Economy) consists of three organisations (Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University in Brno, Centre for Economic Studies and National Observatory). Research at the Centre is implemented in four interlinking components - growth performance and stability, institutional quality, innovative performance and the quality of human resources. The National Observatory is responsible for the fourth component. For more information see the website of the National Observatory - the section concerned with CVKS.

Project outputs:

The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2008-2009. Praha, Linde 2010.
The competitiveness yearbook of the Czech Republic Text ve formátu PDF
The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2007-2008. Praha, Linde 2008.
Text ve formátu PDF The competitiveness yearbook of the Czech Republic : Chapter Quality of human resources

The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2006-2007. Prague, Linde 2007.

Text ve formátu PDF The competitiveness yearbook Czech Republic : analysis ZIP file

The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2005 Praha, Linde 2006.

Text ve formátu PDF Czesaná, V., Matoušková, Z., Havlíčková, V.: Další vzdělávání v ČR - celoživotní učení. (Continuing Education and Training in the CR - Lifelong Learning). Working Paper NOZV-NVF č. 6/2006. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2006.

Text ve formátu PDF Kvalitativní náročnost české ekonomiky v mezinárodním srovnání(Qualitative Demands of the Czech Economy in Terms of International Comparison). Working Paper NOZV-NVF č. 2/2005. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2005.


Completed projects

Project title Knowledge Society - Requirements on Human Resource Skills and Continuing Training
Project duration 2004 - 2009

This is a five-year project (2004-2009) implemented as part of the programme "Modern Society and Its Changes" run by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The main implementer is the National Observatory that works on the project with two partners - the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs and the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the CR. The project is divided into three components. The first component explores the links between training and innovative activities at national, sectoral and corporate levels. The second component aims to assess whether and by means of what mechanisms the continuing training system contributes to the preparation of human resources for skills-intensive jobs and for jobs where modern technologies are used to boost the competitiveness of the Czech economy. The third component concentrates on assessing medium-term skills in relation to future development trends in the economy with the aim to contribute to establishing an optimal balance as regards the supply of and demand for skills.

Project outputs (available in Czech only):

Text ve formátu PDF Kofroňová, O., Czesaná, V., Vymazal, J.: Účast v dalším vzdělávaní pracovníků kvalifikačně náročných profesí v ČR a EU. (Participation in Workers in Skills-Intensive Occupations in Continuing Training in the CR and the EU). Working Paper NOZV-NVF č. 3/2005. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2005.
Text ve formátu PDF Matoušková, Z., Kofroňová, O.: Přístupy inovačních podniků k získávání a rozvoji lidských zdrojů. (Participation in Workers in Skills-Intensive Occupations in Continuing Training in the CR and the EU). Working Paper NOZV-NVF č. 1/2006. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2006.


Project title YOUTH - Young in Occupations and Unemployment: Thinking of their better integration in the labour market
Project duration 2007 - 2008

YOUTH - ilustrace The contracting authority was the Euroepan Commission (Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG), the project coordinator was the ISFOL Institute, Italy. In addition to the NTF the partners included the Italian CESOS and the Hungarian Szent István University Gödöllö. The project aimed to develop a comprehensive overview of the current European approaches to integrating young people into the labour market, and to choose those practices that have the potential of improving the current and future situation in this area. An analysis was carried out in 27 EU member countries while taking account of the existing economic and demographic trends and the labour market situation. Detailed qualitative studies was prepared for 7 countries (the CR, Hungary, Germany, the UK, Italy, Denmark and Romania). The main theoretical framework was the concept of "flexicurity" that addressed the conflict between labour market flexibility and social security.

Project outputs:

Text ve formátu PDF Selected measures important for the employment, good working and living conditions of the young people : the Czech Republic. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2007.
Text ve formátu PDF Bibliografie
Text ve formátu doc Overview of measures ( Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Slovakia ) ZIP file

Další dokumenty:

Text ve formátu PDF Wilthagen, T., Tros, F.: The concept of flexicurity : a new approach to regulating employment and labour marktets. 2003.
Text ve formátu PDF Varieties of flexicurity : reflections on key elements of flexibility and security. European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, 2007.
Text ve formátu PDF EEO Review : Autumn 2005 (National reports on youth employment).


Project title Support of Elderly People Employment
Project duration 2007

A project implemented by the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs that aimed to identify the situation and problems as regards the employment of elderly people. In particular, attention was paid to developing a range of appropriate suggestions on which decision makers could draw in implementing suitable solutions in line with the situation in the labour market. Several sociological surveys were conducted as part of the project. Experts at labour offices were polled, statistical analyses were made and the legislation and existing measures as part of various policies in the CR and in the EU were chartered
The team of the National Observatory was responsible for analysing and articulating suggestions for appropriate solutions in the area of the development of the competencies and skills of elderly workers and their continuing education and training.


Project title Growth Performance and Qualitative Competitiveness of the Czech Economy
Project duration 2005 - 2007

A three-year project (2005-2007) funded by the Grant Agency of the CR. The main implementer was the Grant Fund of the University of Economics and Management. The National Observatory was a co-implementer. The project aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the sources and results of growth performance and the qualitative competitiveness of the CR, and to identify related economic/political implications in terms of supporting transition to the knowledge economy. The National Observatory focuses on evaluating the level and structure of the skills supply and demand and of the educational opportunities as part of lifelong learning.


Project title Training, Research and Development as Key Factors of the Development of Society and the Economy
Project duration 2003

A MoLSA project (2003) implemented as part of the research programme "Modern Society and Its Changes". In terms of themes it was divided into four components: 1. Proposal for the Content and Development of a System of Continuing Vocational Training; 2. Technological Advancement, Research and Development and Related Skill Needs in the Business Sector; 3. Development of the System and Methodology for Forecasting Labour Market Skill Needs, Including Proposals for Research and Development and 4. Synthetic Analysis and Recommendations. The Observatory implemented components 2 and 3. The 2nd component was focused on identifying the major barriers in terms of the workforce qualifications that hinder the business sector from implementing in-house research and development and introducing new technologies and innovation. It outlined the possibility of removing these barriers and formulated recommendations for human resources policy.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Technologický rozvoj, výzkum a vývoj a související kvalifikační požadavky v podnikatelské sféře. (Technological Advancement, Research and Development and Related Skill Needs in the Business Sector). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2004.


Project title Human Resources in the Czech Republic
Project duration 1999 - 2003

The objective of the project funded from the resources of the MoLSA, the EU (the Phare programme) and the ETF was to establish a series of publications concerned with analyses of lifelong learning and the labour market in the CR in relation to the dvelopment in EU member countries. Two publications were issued. The 1999 publication focused on an analysis of initial and continuing education and training, on development trends in the labour market and on motivation mechanisms behind human resources development. The second publication of 2003 dealt, above all, with qualification and skill requirements in view of integration into the European labour market, participation in continuing education and training and its characteristics, and the demands and conditions for labour market flexibility.

Project outcomes:

Text ve formátu PDF Human resources in the Czech Republic 2003. Praha, NOZV-NVF 2004. ISBN 80-86728-06-4.
Text ve formátu PDF Human resources in the Czech Republic 1999. Praha, NVF, ÚIV 1999.


Project title Analysis of Barriers and Reasons for Different Strategies of SMEs in Human Resources Development
Project duration 2002 - 2003

PA project (2002-2003) funded by the MoLSA. The objective of the project was to map the situation and identify the main barriers to the implementation of human resources development in small and medium-sized companies. The output is a study divided into two parts. The first part is analytical and consists of four main chapters (i.e. the introduction, small and medium-sized companies in the national economy, approaches of SMEs to human resources development and conclusions and recommendations). The second part provides a range of good experience in HRD in SMEs (inspirational examples of good practice).

Project outcome (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Zpráva o situaci v rozvoji lidských zdrojů malých a středních podniků. (Report on the Situation in Human Resources Development in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2003.


Project title Professional Identity: Flexibility and Mobility on the European Labour Market - FAME
Project duration 2000-2003

A three-year research project (2000-2003) within the 5th Framework Programme of the European Commission. It examined educational, labour market, global development and corporate factors affecting flexibility and mobility of the workforce and the behaviour of companies in Germany, Great Britain, France, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece and Spain.
For more information see


Project title LHuman Resources in the Context of Regional Development: Company Skills Survey in Selected Industries of the Northwest Bohemia.
Project duration 2000-2001

A two-year project (2000-2001) initiated by the European Training Foundation. The project aimed to support the development of regional strategies in the context of Phare programming and preparation for the European Social Fund. The result is a study that analyses, based on a survey among companies, key regional needs of enterprises, their procedures in the area of human resources development, and the difficulties they face. The study was carried out in five countries (the CR, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland). The main output of the project is a comparative analysis developed by the European Training Foundation.

Project outcomes:

Text ve formátu PDF Lidské zdroje v kontextu regionálního rozvoje: výsledky podnikového šetření ve vybraných odvětvích regionu Severozápad. (Human Resources in the Context of Regional Development: Company Skills Survey in Selected Industries of the Northwest Bohemia). Praha, NOZV-NVF 2002. ISBN 80-903125-2-7.
Text ve formátu PDF Human resources in the context of the regional development. A company skills survey. Torino, ETF 2002.


Project title Preparation of the Ministry of Labour and Employment Services for the European Social Fund
Project duration 2000

A study (2000) undertaken as part of a project of the Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs. It provides an overview of the workings of the ESF, charters the current state of the Czech Republic's preparedness for the ESF and specifies the demands which will be placed on the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Employment Services and labour offices in the programming and implementation stages. The study also indicates possible implementation schemes for ESF projects.


Project title State Employment Policy and Services with Regard to Education Policy
Project duration 1999

A study (1999) funded by a grant received by the Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs. The study provided an assessment of the structure of the education system, educational pathways, factors affecting unemployment of school leavers and the links between initial education and the world of work.

Project outcomes (available only in Czech):

Text ve formátu PDF Koncepce prvotního vzdělávání z hlediska úkolů politiky zaměstnanosti. (The Concept of Initial Education from the Perspective of the Tasks of Employment Policy). Praha, NOZV-NVF 1999.