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The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic 2008-2009
The fourth of publication, issued jointly by the National Observatory of Employment and Training and the Centre for Economic Studies is the result of the project Research Centre for Competitiveness preparing by National Observatory focused on analysing the quality of human resources consists of three chapters. The first chapter Preparation of Human Resources for Skills-Intensive Occupations includes two subchapters: (i) Students and Graduates of Science and Technology Fields and (ii) Transition of Science and Technology Graduates into the Labour Market. The second chapter Continuing Education and Training and the Information Society has two subchapters: (i) Continuing Education and Training in the CR and in the EU and (ii) The Impact of Information Society development on CVTS. The third chapter Labour Market Flexibility consists of three subchapters: (i) Foreign Employment, (ii) Flexible Working Arrangements, (iii) Wage Differentiation.
The competitiveness yearbook of the Czech Republic Text ve formátu PDF