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The Competitiveness Yearbook Czech Republic 2006-2007
The Competitiveness Yearbook of the Czech Republic has been published by two research teams - Centre for Economic Studies and National Observatory of Employment and Training. The yearbook comprises a broad range of indicators enabling a comprehensive assessment of the Czech Republic position within the enlarged EU in terms of five pillars: institutional quality, structural competitiveness, innovation performance, and human resources quality, within the framework of macroeconomic stability and performance. The competitiveness yearbook Czech Republic : analysis.
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Kofroňová, O., Šímová, Z.: Quality and Flexibility of Human Resources in the Czech Regions, Working Paper NOZV-NVF č.2/2007, NOZV-NVF 2007.
The first part of the study deals with educational characteristics of human resources in regions of the Czech Republic, particularly their educational structure, educational mobility, the number of students in tertiary education and the rate of participation of adults in non-formal continuing education. The second part examines employment in technology-intensive manufacturing industries, in knowledge-intensive services and in the ICT sector. The final part concerns the differences in the level of entrepreneurship in various regions. It is assessed also the proportion of part-time work, the proportion of people in selected industries and professional categories who perform a second job, etc.Download PDF file