People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003

Gender budgeting in practice

Promoter: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic


Duration of the project:
15 months (October 2006 - December 2007)

Brief summary:
In this project will be prepared the comparative analyses surveying the gender equality issues in the legal order with a view to gender budgeting and its application in practice. The research will be lead in Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Austria and Hungary. Outputs of the analyses will be presented at 5 international conferences (in Prague, Pécs, Rome, Wien and Sofia). The regional seminars on gender budgeting will take place in all 14 regions in the Czech Republic. The regional and local seminars will take place also in Italy and Bulgaria. The information leaflets will be used in awareness raising campaign. In this project will be also prepared the manual on gender budgeting.

Total amount of project budget is 581.600 €.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact us:
Mrs. Hana Kuželková - kuzelkova(zavinac)nvf(tecka)cz
Mr. Vlastimil Outlý - outly(zavinac)nvf(tecka)cz