People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003

Central European Initiative

Human Resources Development Forum

Prague CEI Human Resources Development Forum has been established by the international CEI Working Group for Human Resources Development &Training (later Focal Points Network for HRD), chaired by the Czech representative. The Forum has been established for the purpose of regular meetings of experts in the field of HRD on those themes, which were specified as the key ones. The format of international conference has been chosen for meetings of the Prague Forum since 2005. The themes for conferences are discussed and agreed within the yearly meetings of Focal points. The conferences are organized by the National Training Fund within the scope of CEI activities and under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Documentation on specific conferences is available as follows:

  • 2010 - Identifying Barriers of Lifelong Learning and Their Removal
  • 2009 - Why and How to Forecast the Labour Market Needs
  • 2008 - Higher Quality of Education and Training - Better Employability
  • 2007 - Education of Adults in Regions - Programmes - Experience - Counselling
  • 2006 - Financing of Further Professional Training
  • 2005 - Competitiveness-Innovation-Human Resources, CEI Countries in a Global Perspective

More detailed information on CEI activities and procedures, provided by the CEI secretariat, can be found on