People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003

Flexicurity under a gender perspective

Information about project

What does the word "flexicurity" mean?
The term flexicurity stands for a series of labour policies aimed to increase at the same time labour market's flexibility and job stability (employment security and job security). It is the definition.

The National Training Fund is a partner of the project of Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria. Other partners are Marce Region (Italy) and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (Italy). The overall objective of the project is to increase partners' knowledge and awareness on the implementation of flexicurity policies in a gender perspective. The achievement of this objective is intended at the diffusion of a gender mainstreamed approach to flexicurity. In detail, specific objectives of the project are:

  • Providing capacity building to key actors;
  • Improving prominence of the flexicurity debate (in a gender perspective);
  • Providing policy suggestions;
  • Enhancing the collaboration and the exchange of experience among partners, in a true trans-national dimension.

Duration of this project is 12 months and final costs are planned in the amount of 184 441 €. Co-financing of this project by the National Training Fund is provided in the amount of 5 000 € which is granted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Project outputs

Project team

The good practice catalogue

For other information please contacts:
Hana Kuželková (kuzelkova(at)nvf(dot)cz)
Vlastimil Outlý (outly(at)nvf(dot)cz)