People are our most precious resource ISO 9001:2000   ISO 10006:2003

Block grant EEA

National Training Fund (CZ) is preparing the launch of the block grant (BG) as a part of the Financial mechanisms EEA/Norway. The project of the BG is at the final stage of the evaluation by the Financial Mechanisms Office (FMO) in Brussels.

Name of the block grant: Research Fund (CZ).

Principal aim of the BG:

  1. Support of (sub)projects focused on human resource development, partnership and other activities important to research and know-how transfer within the priority areas (see Annexes B of the Memoranda).
  2. Expert exchange grants (Czech and from the donor countries), incl.. support to meetings of these experts - available only to experts who are not included into any running project supported by EEA/Norway FM.

Expected call for proposals: January/February 2008.