
The official website of the Czech

Slavena Radovanovic

Central European Initiative (CEI)
CEI Project Secretariat

Via Genova 9
Trieste 34121

Tel: +39 040 7786 777
Fax: +39 040 7786 766
Email: radovanovic(zavinac)

Professional career:

Employed at the Central European Initiative Project Secretariat  (CEI-PS) in Trieste, Italy since 1998.

Current position: Executive Officer

Main duties: Focal Point for WG on Human Resource Development & Training. Focal Point for Task Force on ICT. Focal Point for WG on Tourism. Organisation of the annual CEI Summit Economic Forum (SEF). Evaluation and monitoring of Cooperation Activities financed by the CEI-PS. CEI–PS finance management.

Summary of the presentation:
ikona souboruRadovanovic

The presentation will briefly review the background of the Central European Initiative, i.e. the history of the organisation, its objectives and structure.

It will illustrate major assets of this oldest and largest regional organisation in Central and Eastern Europe, namely its inter-governmental machinery, heterogeneous membership, regional ownership and bottom-up approach.

The presentation will provide insight in the operational aspect of the CEI, highlighting its cooperation activities, projects and feature events.

It will also provide information on the existing funds of the CEI with which it finances its extensive operational activities. 

5.11.2006 19:54:21 | read 213x | iguana