
The official website of the Czech


The Financing Further Professional Training conference will take place at “Černínský palác”, the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, on the 10th of November 2006.

The conference is organized by the National Training Fund, o. p. s. (NVF). The Agentura Carolina ltd., Albertov 3a/7, Prague 2 is in charge of logistics.

Sixty foreign and Czech specialists in the field of human resource development from the countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI) are expected to take part in the forum

The conference will be held in English only with simultaneous interpretation into Czech.

Participation in the conference is free of charge for all the participants.

The Working group meeting will take place the day before the conference (9th November 2006). The “pre-conference” programme will culminate in a concert and a soirée whereto all the foreign and Czech guests are warmly welcome.

20.9.2006 22:00:45 | read 298x | kazo