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Giancarlo Dente

Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini

Via Agostino Depretis, 65
00184  Rome

Tel: +39 064 647 552
Fax: +39 064 746 345
Email: dente(zavinac)

Professional career:

Economist with three years of professional experience in the field of evaluation mainly in the sector of ESF and EU programmes. Experienced in planning and management of research and intervention project on socio-economic issues. Good knowledge of EU and Italian labour and social policies  and of EU international initiatives towards its neighbour countries. Since 2005 member of Fondazione Brodolini team of experts for the European Employment Observatory. In 2003/2004 member of the working team for the “Assessment of the Italian ESF mid-term evaluations” carried out for DG Employment and Social Affairs.

Summary of the presentation:
ikona souboruDente

The quality of human capital represents a key factor in the process of economic development as it fosters the introduction of innovative procedures, the rise of participation rate and productivity levels, the improvement of working life, the increase of the national competitiveness. Italy shows significant gaps in the levels of human capital growth that are linked to structural problems. An important instrument of enhancing workers’ skills are the Interprofessional Funds aimed at supporting vocational training initiatives for employed people and increasing their adaptability  to modern economy’s challenges. The Interprofessional Funds are entirely financed by the employers (as a percentage of 0.3 per cent of gross earnings).The use of the Funds is becoming widespread, even if some differences still persist in different regions and sectors. Emilia-Romagna is a region where the state of progress of the Funds is extremely valuable and may serve as a best practice of efficiency and efficacy.

5.11.2006 19:40:58 | read 228x | iguana