
The official website of the Czech

Jakab János

„Belvárosi“ Regional Integrated Vocational Centre

Wesselényi str. 38
H-1075 Budapest

Tel:  +361-3215-220
Email: jakab.janos(zavinac)

Professional career:

He was born on the 1st of April in 1950 in Budapest. He is married, has 2 children. He speaks German and English. He took many degrees. First he graduated at Lajos Kossuth Military Academy in 1972. He got his second and third master’s degree at Technical University of Budapest in 1986 as a Construction Engineer and in Public Education Management in 1996. He started working in 1972 as a teacher in the Vocational Institute of the Ministry of Interior. From 1978 to 1993 he worked for the National Institute of Vocational Education and was the leader of the Program Development Groups. Then from 1993 to 1995 he was the Technical Director of the Frigyes Pogány Technical School of Construction. In September and December of 1995 he studied the social consultation process in the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung in Germany. From 1996 to 2003 he worked as Head  of Department and from 2003 to 2006 as Deputy State Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour. He prepared legislation in connection with vocational education and managed the work of the development of vocational education and vocational training programs and financial resources. At present he is the General Director of Belvárosi Regional Integrated Vocational Centre. He manages a EUR 7.5 million program which is a part of the first National Development Plan and manages  the reorganization of 7 vocational educational schools. Between 1992 and 2006 he had several publications (books and articles) in connection with vocational education.

Summary of the presentation:
ikona souboruJakab


Major indicators of Hungary
Looking backward to  the development of adult education and training.
Structure of Hungarian VET system

  • School VET system
  • Main forms of CVET and general adult education
  • Strengths and weaknesses in the overall current provision of adult training
  • Promotion of skills development
  • Statistics of adult education and training

Legislative framework of adult education and training
Administrative framework of adult education and training and the involvement of social partners
Development policy of adult education and training
Development programmes of adult education and training.
Adult education within the school system

  • Adult education opportunities in public education
  • Adult education opportunities in higher education

Adult training outside the school system
Financial courses for the CVET

  • Per capita funding of adult training
  • Central state programmes and tenders
  • EU sources
6.11.2006 16:24:22 | read 207x | iguana