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Euroguidance - A network of national resource centres for vocational guidance

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A network of 65 national resource centres for vocational guidance, which operates in 32 countries in Europe, is entitled Euroguidance. It is being co-ordinated by the European Commission - Directorate General for Education and Culture, and fulfils tasks set by the programme Leonardo da Vinci, that is active support of mobility in education and training, contribution to the European dimension of guidance, education and mobility in Europe.

Euroguidance network:

  • collects, disseminates and mediates information about education within all European countries,
  • provides links to guidance and education systems throughout Europe,
  • participates in international projects, including exchange trainee-ship of counsellors,
  • organises seminars and conferences, prepares publications on guidance subjects and thus helps to improve guidance services,
  • actively supports mobility in Europe, especially in vocational and life-long education.

Target groups of the network include especially:

  • specifically trained counsellors and guidance practitioners operating in all types of educational or guidance institutions,
  • information workers operating in the field of education and the labour market,
  • research workers focusing on guidance,
  • people interested in mobility within education and training in Europe.

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