
Table of Contents of Final Report

I. Background Situation - Project History
II. Project Objectives under the Assignment
III. Methodology of Project Works
IV. Project Objectives Accomplishing
V. Overall Evaluation of the Project
VI. Annexes

I. Background Situation - Project History

The Project has been initiated by the Delegation of European Commission in Prague in the middle of 1997, when, after dissolution of the Office for Legislation and Public Administration, there was no body responsible for a complex reform of public administration. At that time the reform was narrowed to the creation of higher territorial administrative units which, in spite of having been established by our laws, have not been actually implemented.
On the basis of European Commission report "Agenda 2000" it was evident that the Czech public administration required a radical reform not only in respect of its functioning for Czech citizens but also in respect of the terms and conditions to be fulfilled by the countries joining European Union.

In December 1997 the National Training Fund was assigned to manage an ambitious project of challenging concept in order to launch the global reform of public administration. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which is responsible for a draft of civil service law, was the original body that was to receive the outputs of the Project.
Following the political changes at the turn of 1997 the National Training Fund asked the new Prime Minister to undertake responsibility for the Project. The Prime Minister turned to the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, who was competent in respect of this issue, and the Minister subsequently asked the Minister of Interior to undertake responsibility for the Project. A Department for Public Administration Reform was formed within the Ministry of Interior, however its activities were mostly focused on the creation of laws relating to territorial administration reform.
Ambiguities in the responsibility for the Project were not resolved until early elections and until the new social democratic government took over the authority in summer 1998.
The new Minister of Interior appointed a Deputy Minister responsible for the reform of public administration and in the final phase of the project the Minister of Interior assumed the responsibility over it.
This problematic development caused a number of difficulties during implementation of the project and some parts of its original assignment could not be completed at all. This was the reason why, in autumn 1998, after agreement with the Contracting Authority and with the Delegation of European Commission in Prague, the assignment, which was originally aimed at active participation of state administration bodies in the project, was modified, and the focal point of works was moved to analytical sphere and to formulation of draft strategies for future functioning of the Czech public administration. However, many employees of state administration participated in project works and helped the project team to produce quality outputs.

II. Project Objectives under the Assignment

The overall objective of the project was to support the process of public administration reform in the Czech Republic, particularly in the area of strategy development and preparation of mechanisms enabling to implement such strategy.

Project tasks were aimed at 3 areas:

  Logistic and Technical Support

  1. Support to the Ministry of Interior - secretariat function and technical support to the Steering Committee formed by Deputy Ministers and headed by the Deputy Minister of Interior responsible for the reform.

    Formation of an Advisory Experts Group of the project consisting of leading experts in the area of public administration (coming from the state administration as well as from academic sphere), whose function is to assess major outputs of the project produced by the project team from professional point of view.

  2. Support to all ministries - creation of modernization teams for reform was contemplated within individual ministries whose cooperation was to be coordinated by the project. 20 of so called Managers of Change were to be selected from this modernization teams who would be, within the scope of the project, given intensive training regarding public administration and implementation of changes.
  3. Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs with civil service law drafting.

B. Reform Strategy Designing

A strategic plan of the public administration reform should be elaborated on the basis of in-depth analysis of the Czech public administration and reflecting the trends in European countries and will be submitted to the government. This task constitutes fundamental assignment for the project and its major outputs (analysis and strategy) should become the documents that will support the implementation of the reform of the central state administration.

C. Pilot Projects

Preparation of follow-up projects financed from the funds of 1997 Phare budget. These follow-up projects should be based on the outcome and recommendations of strategic works of the project. The project proposals are to be approved by the office responsible for the content.

III. Methodology of Project Works

Project works performed by a team composed of long and short-term experts from the Czech Republic and EU countries were conducted by National Training Fund (NTF). The core NTF project team was broaden by long-term experts who were selected in open tender at the end of 1997. The team consisted of 4 experts and an assistant. Two of the experts worked on the project for the entire period of its duration. Short-term experts were hired for specific tasks which were specified in the course of the Project. There were nearly 40 of these associates. Foundation information were collected through consultations with employees of state administration and professionals from universities who give lectures on topics relating to the public administration.
Cooperation with European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) constituted large support for the project and helped to bring European dimension into strategic materials being completed, some of those materials were EIPA's own products. In addition, EIPA prepared and carried out training program for managers of change.
The project team acquired many invaluable information from international materials, namely from those elaborated within SIGMA program. Employees from SIGMA secretariat organized experts´ consultations and also provided contacts to personalities from the area of public administration recognized all over Europe.
National Training Fund supported the project not only by overall project management (organizational and financial) and logistic background but namely by exacting negotiations and explanations on political level and also by involving own experts (including the foreign one) into project works, specifically in the stages when the main outputs were completed.

IV. Project Objectives Accomplishing

A. Establishment of Project Structures and Their Operation

  1. In December 1997 a three-member project team of National Training Fund started to work on overall preparation of project implementation. Within the scope of preparation and coordination works and on the basis of an open tender the project team was supplemented by 4 additional Czech external experts, two of which remained engaged in project works for the entire period of its duration.
    In the preparation phase also the premises for the work of the project team were selected and furnished on the basis of a selective contest.
    In January 1998 the project team started with professional works and was supplemented by a project assistant selected in an open tender.
  2. Following the formation of new government, on the 5th of January 1998, the Prime Minister was asked by a letter from NTF director to undertake responsibility for the project and to appoint a Steering Committee. Despite of many consultations with the Minister of Interior this body was established no earlier than by the Minister of Interior of the Government that originated from June elections, specifically in October 1998. The materials prepared within the scope of the project were delivered to the Steering Committee at its first meeting on the 12th of November 1998 (composition of the Steering Committee - Annex 1).
  3. Advisory Experts Group of the project, headed by the Dean of the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague, was established in March 1998 and its first meeting was held on the 15th of April 1998. Its further meetings were always summoned in order to assess major project outputs in May, June, July and November 1998 (composition of Advisory Experts Group - Annex 2).
  4. Modernization Teams and Managers of Change have not been established within ministries and cooperation with officials from ministries other than the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs ran only on unofficial basis.
  5. The training program for future managers of change was prepared in collaboration with EIPA and organized as a pilot version in three modules (October, November, December) for a group consisting of 19 attendants. For the absence of managers of change the attendants were selected on the basis of their interest from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Industry and Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and from universities which give lectures in the area of public administration. The training program and materials, presented in both English and Czech version, will be modified according to their recommendations and prepared for future implementation for selected officials from ministries.
    Description of the contents of the training program for Modernization of Public Administration, Czech Republic:

    Module 1   organized in Poděbrady, on 26 - 29 October
    Subject - Citizen/Administration Relation and Services Development

    • Development of the role of the Government in changing environment
    • Reform strategy in West European countries
    • External and internal pressures in the Czech Republic
    • Citizen/administration relation, people centred government
    • Development of strategic management
    • Service management and development
    • Conclusion and management of Contracts
    • Development projects planning

    Module 2   organized in Podibrady, on 23 - 26 November
    Subject - Internal Efficiency, Guidance and Control

    • Result oriented management
    • Efficiency, productivity and effectiveness
    • Assessment of efficiency and productivity
    • Information technology management
    • Personnel management and development
    • Assessment of training and development needs
    • Change implementation strategy

    Module 3   organized in Maastricht, on 3 - 4 December
    Subject - Experience of EU Member States

    • Introducing EIPA and its work
    • Comparative analysis of European political and
    • administrative systems
    • Modernization of public administration in Portugal
    • Development of public administration in the United Kingdom
    • Development of public administration in Ireland
    • Development of public administration in Holland
    • Reform of public administration in France
    • Evaluation of the course

    Attendants evaluated the training program positively; the width of its scope and complexity pointed also to the areas which are not covered by the training programs organized in the Czech Republic. However, improvements were proposed, specifically the following: Inclusion of a larger number of specific cases from the countries which, in historical and cultural respects, are closer to the Czech Republic (Germany, Austria). Majority of case studies were from Finland and Ireland from where main authors of the training program come. A specific case should be presented for each topic, general parts should be limited. Based on comments it was evident that it would be desirable to supplement such introductory training program with a series of optional modules focused on training in specific areas. However this was above the scope of the current introductory training program and should not be neglected when creating the system of training for public administration employees.

  6. The support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs provided for the civil service law drafting was in the form of consultations with Czech experts, consultations with an expert from SIGMA, provision of foreign materials from SIGMA library and from European Council, translation of Austrian civil service law, proposals made in the major outputs of the project, in which attention was given to both civil servants as reform doers and to their position with respect to the reform. Although the role of civil service is the key one in respect of the quality and effectiveness of public administration and in respect of success of the reform, the aforementioned project outputs (see point B below) dealing with the reform as a whole necessarily had to concentrate only on principal findings and issues. The purpose of a supplementary study "Civil Service System for the Czech Republic" is to support expedited completion of the draft of civil service law. Comprehensive information about the latest European documents relating to civil service principles and to legal regulations applying on the civil service in European Council member states, SIGMA documents, etc. should serve the aforementioned purpose. The study also inquires into proposals that have been compiled in the Czech Republic, particularly into legal institutes, which are decisive in respect of democratic and effective civil service and therefore are subjects of increased interest also on the international level. Those particularly include hiring and selection, promotion, rights and obligations, responsibility and protection of state employees. The study pays special attention to the impact of access process and preparation for EU membership on the civil service. From this point of view the terms and conditions of employment in civil service (substantive law and procedure), rules relating to employees' mobility and social conditions and protection of employees are of special importance.
    The study also deals with the issue of transition period and transition of employees into the system of the civil service in its anticipated final form and formulates certain ideas of solution based on certain experience of post-totalitarian countries.
    The study will be handed to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs before 15th December 1998.

B. Reform Strategy Designing

  1. A Detailed Activity Plan was completed in January according to the original assignment which was not complied with due to the problems described in Part I herein.
  2. In the period of January - March the project team worked on completion of the first project output called "Starting Points" whose purpose was to map the issues of public administration reform as a whole and to initiate discussion inside broader professional public. This material did not narrow the reform to the creation of laws or to territorial administrative reform like it was mostly understood in that time. The material also summarized many information contained in international documents and studies, majority of which had not been presented in the Czech Republic. Although this material still was not a completely balanced product (in respect of some areas, like for example control, there is a lack of information in the Czech Republic) it actually became the impulse for launching discussions regarding the reform with respect to services provided to Czech citizens and with respect to the currently prepared membership in EU.

    The Starting Points contained the following chapters:

    Analytical task formulation
    Public administration reform in global context
    Regarding the public administration reform strategy in the Czech Republic
    Organization of public administration
    Civil service law and personnel management
    Information and information technology in public administration

    The Advisory Experts Group discussed the material in detail in April and May and find it as suitable basic material for more detailed analysis.
    After its translation into English the material was consulted with EIPA experts, commented on by participants at round table organized by SIGMA secretariat and delivered to European Commission officials in Brussels.
    Based on the standpoint of the Advisory Experts Group and SIGMA, EIPA, and EC recommendations some original ideas were corrected and another project output was delivered in June (completed with the support of more than 20 analytical studies regarding specific topics - their list has been attached to the final material),

  3. "Analysis of Public Administration in the Czech Republic". At the meeting of Advisory Experts Group in July no major objections were raised and after minor modifications made upon recommendation the material was, in September 1998, submitted to a new Deputy Minister of Interior for the Reform of Public Administration, Prime Minister, all ministers, Presidential Office, chairmen and committees of the Parliament and the Senate, and to other parties coming from professional public that showed their interest. After the Steering Committee has been established, its members were submitted the Ananlysis as well. Recently it is also accessible on NTF internet page.
    The English version of the Analysis was distributed at the end of November 1998 - to European Commission, Delegation of European Commission in Prague, SIGMA secretariat, EIPA. In case of further interest it will be distributed to other entities also after the completion of the Project.
    The Analysis contains the following chapters:

    Basic starting points

    • Objective and methodology of the Analysis
    • Reform of public administration in global context
    • Czech public administration at the turn of the millennium

    Role and function of public administration in the Czech Republic

    • Specification of the role and functions of public administration
    • Public administration and the public
    • Conclusions to the chapter

    Organization of public administration

    • Central bodies of state administration
    • Territorial bodies of state administration
    • Territorial self-administrative bodies
    • Relation between state administration and self-administration
    • Conclusions to the chapter

    Public administration activities

    • Strategic management
    • Legislation
    • Information and information technology
    • Administrative proceedings
    • Administrative jurisdiction
    • Control processes and institutions
    • Conclusions to the chapter

    State administration financing

    • Definition of state administration from financing point of view
    • Budgeting
    • Development of the number of civil servants
    • Facilities of state administration bodies and organizations
    • Civil servants remuneration
    • Conclusions to the chapter

    Human resources

    • Civil service in today's Europe
    • Situation in the Czech Republic
    • Civil service law
    • Ethics and administrative culture
    • Education and human resources development
    • Conclusions to the chapter
  4. Conclusions and recommendations on further proceeding of the reform

    • General conclusions and recommendations
    • Recommendations on further proceeding and management of the reform
  5. Together with finalizing works on the Analysis the first version of the "Draft Strategy for the Public Administration Reform" was completed, final version of which was submitted to the Ministry of Interior in October and also to the Steering Committee at its first meeting on the 12th November. The Advisory Experts Group reviewed and approved the material at its last meeting on 18th November. The Ministry of Interior will utilize the material as a reform frame for the concept of the reform which is to be submitted by the Ministry to the Government at the end of January 1999.
    The Draft Strategy for the Public Administration Reform contains the following chapters:

    Major objectives and principles of the reform
    European dimension of the reform - preparation for membership in EU
    Decentralization of state administration and territorial administrative reform
    Reform of key processes within the public administration
    Reform of public administration financing
    Improvement of public administration organization and management
    Sector reforms
    Reform of human resources management and development
    Strengthening democratic control of public administration
    Organization and management of the reform process
    General time schedule for the reform

    Additional analytical and strategic materials were completed dealing with human resources and with the impact of preparation for and membership in EU on the Czech public administration.

  6. Analysis of University Education for Public Administration completed by Prague Schools of Economics was submitted in two versions (September, November 1998). This analysis serves as basic mapping of university programs focused on education of future or current public officials. The analysis was delivered to the Ministry of Interior, Advisory Experts Group and to universities cooperating with the Ministry of Interior. This material will be further annotated and amended on the basis of updated findings regarding additional educational activities also after the end of the Project.
    The Analysis of University Education contains the following chapters:

    Analysis of current situation

    Outline of subjects of bachelor, master (technical) and doctorate studies and subjects of second doctorate and professorship appointment proceeding in individual faculties of Czech universities with focus on public administration and related subjects of study
    Characteristics of subjects of bachelor and master (technical) studies with focus on public administration
    Issues of doctorate studies specialized in public administration
    Second doctorate and professorship appointment proceedings

    Annexes - numbers of students at selected faculties

    The aforementioned analysis forms a part of this Report (in Czech version - Annex 3).
    The data set forth in this Analysis also served as one of the materials for EIPA project team that completed the material

  7. "Outlines for a Human Resources Development Strategy in Central Administration of the Czech Republic"
  8. Material containing an analytical part and a part with proposals of solution was submitted in English version at the end of November (Annex 4 herein) and will be discussed at a working seminar on the 7th December.
    Outlines for a Human Resources Development Strategy contains the following chapters:

    Tradition of education of Czech state administration employees
    Administrative environment
    Survey of development needs
    Conclusions relating to HRD needs
    Civil service training in EU member states
    Proposal for a HRD strategy and institutional set up
    Czech institute of public administration

    The proposals arising from the strategy accepted by the Czech party will be used for specification of the assignment regarding the implementation of a system of human resources development in the Czech public administration. The Czech version will be distributed before the end of 1998.

  9. In order to increase the knowledge of public administration employees, EIPA team completed the material called "European Dimension of the Reform of Public Administration - the Implications of the EU Membership for the Czech Public Administration" which analyses circumstances of functioning of the national public administration within the country and within EU. It describes the latest findings from "screening" (assessment of country's preparedness) by European Commission and submits a list of issues that need to be considered in the pre-membership period and subsequently after joining EU.
  10. The material European Dimension contains the following chapters:

    Integration process - a political act
    Implications of the integration in EU and EU membership to the Czech
    Public Administration
    Pre-accession phase
    Post- accession phase
    Check list of activities

    This material was submitted in November and translated into Czech (Annex 5 herein). At the end of 1998, together with translation of SIGMA material called "Sustainable Institutions for EU Membership", that explains the importance of development of certain institutions and institutes and their functioning for full-value membership in EU, the "EU Dimension" will be distributed to ministries, Parliament and Senate committees.

    Several informative seminars and workshops were organized within the project aiming at

    1. increasing knowledge of employees of the Czech public administration about reforms of public administration in EU countries;
    2. discussing some vague issues and proposals related to the Czech public administration reform.

    Informative Seminars

    A seminar with EIPA Director General, Mrs. Isabel Cort-Real, was organized on 12th March regarding many-years experience with the reform of Portugal public administration focused on improvement of the quality of services provided to citizens. The seminar was attended by more than 60 people from public administration, universities, research institutes and private companies.

    A seminar, where Mrs. Sirpa Kekkonen, Director of Finish Institute of Public Management, and Mr. Walter Fuchs from Austrian Ministry of Economy, presented their experience from the reform of public administration relating to the preparation for EU membership in Finland and Austria, was organized on 13th May. The seminar was attended by 35 participants, mostly from state administration.

    A seminar on EU structural funds with special emphasize on European Social Fund was organized on 24th and 27th November. The lectures were provided by Mr. René Wokoun, Director of Regional and Administrative Sciences Centre at the Prague School of Economics, and by Mr. Petr Chuděj from National Training Fund. The seminar was designed for employees from central bodies of state administration. There were about 120 participants present at both seminars.


    A workshop dealing with public administration reform strategy was organized on the 11th and 12th August, at which, in relatively small number of professionals (11 attendants). They discussed the "Draft Strategy for the Czech Public Administration Reform" and plan of following works which would improve the quality of the material.

    A round table attended by specialists in informatics within the public administration was organized on the 3rd of September, with focus on utilization of information technologies, work with information within the public administration and on provision of information for citizens. The objective of the workshop was to collect ideas regarding required further development within this area, on the basis of which it would be possible to prepare a project for state administration. Its conclusions revealed the need to formulate a project of improvement of communication with citizens and enhanced effectiveness of horizontal and vertical communication within the public administration.

    A seminar for experts from ministries, universities, Association of Towns and Municipalities and project team was organized on 7th October, dealing with the issues of decentralization of public administration. Findings from this meeting were used for "Draft Strategy" finalizing.

    A seminar, where EIPA project team will present the "Outlines for a Human Resources Development Strategy in Central Administration of the Czech Republic" will be organized on 7th December. 35 people, who were interviewed during the course of works and who come from ministries, educational institutions operating within the public administration and from universities which provide programs in the area of public administration, have been invited to attend the seminar. NTF considers this seminar as the beginning of an open discussion about the system of human resources development in state administration.

C. Pilot Projects

In cooperation with the Ministry of Interior the areas, which require more detailed analysis in future periods, and to which were allocated the funds from 1997 Phare budget, have been identified for the forthcoming period. Three projects have been prepared (their identification was included in the WP3 of the Program CZ 9703-01) with the following contents:

  1. "Information and Communication Services and Systems in Public Administration"

    Improvement of information services and communication with citizens, better management and utilization of information and communication technologies at all levels of the administration, enhancement of quality, coordination and reliability of information systems within the public administration itself have been identified as priorities within the scope of public administration reform. Large number of suggestions have been already included in the Analysis Public Administration in the Czech Republic and in the Draft Strategy for Public Administration Reform. In July 1998 the Government adopted the Resolution No. 467 on Protection of data. The issue in accordance with recommendations of OECD and European Council has to be ensured.

    The following are the specific objectives of this Project:

    1. provision of expert advice on policies, procedures, and working methods;
    2. assistance in practical guidelines developing;
    3. support for training programs and for materials design and development;
    4. training of Czech experts and trainers.
  2. "Implementation of Human Resources Development System in Public Administration"
  3. Human resources management and development in the Czech public administration constitutes the top priority of the reform strategy. Ongoing reforms include a new civil service law, new personnel management systems and practices and a comprehensive review and redesign of human resources development policies and system. In 1998, within the scope of a contract managed by the National Training Fund, EIPA has been working on a design of training and development system in the Czech public administration. This activity will be based on the findings and recommendations of the EIPA study and will focus on implementation of the proposal. The following outputs will be required:

    1. support provided for establishment of a national institution for training and development in public administration;
    2. assistance with training programs and materials design and development;
    3. training of HRD managers; trainers and consultants
    4. development of networks and cooperation links with relevant European institutions and associations operating in human resources development sector.
  4. "Public Administration Reform in Specific Areas"
  5. This activity will be based on technical assistance within the following areas:

    Public control
    Reform of local and regional finance
    Effectiveness of public services
    Implementation of the reform of central bodies of public administration

    Public Control

    A developed system of public control including both the internal and external controls needs to be created. Both types of control constitute important precondition for enhanced accountability within public administration. The project should distinguish between control functions and mechanisms of state administration and self-administration.

    Social and political aspects of external control should be taken into account together with legal aspects and regulations. Particular attention should be paid to differentiation between institutionalized control and other forms of control. In addition, the project should focus on legal control of public administration. Independent control institutions in the Czech Republic will be analyzed (both the existing, like for example the Supreme Control Office, and those which are currently proposed, such as Ombudsman).

    The internal control will be analyzed in respect of possible extent of control relations between state administration and self-administration and in respect of relation between legal and other than legal measures. Changes of internal control methods and their impact on internal systems and practices and performance of public administration functions will be also explored.


    Decentralization is one of the key areas of public administration reform and anticipated changes of territorial management. The project will focus on the extent and methods of decentralization and on the relationship between economic, social and political dimensions of decentralization and legal and institutional dimensions. Application of subsidiarity in Czech conditions will constitute one of the project topics. Application of deconcentration is another problem which deserves more detailed elaboration. In respect of central and territorial administration it is necessary to resolve the problem where it should be suitable to apply decentralization and where deconcentration. The project will analyze horizontal (competencies, relation between state administration and self-administration at the same level) and vertical relations (number of levels of state administration and self-administration, relations between different levels).

    Reform of Local and Regional Finances

    Decentralization and administrative reform on regional level is inevitably associated with the need to redesign the system of budgeting, taxation, financial information collection and evaluation and financial control. The basis for the new budgeting system was provided within the scope of 1992 tax reform. New proposals should reflect the changes of administrative structures, functions, competencies and responsibilities and experience gained in the period since 1992.

    Effectiveness of Public Services

    Effectiveness of public services is closely associated with internal control in public administration and with the development of future policies of public service provision. Methods used in EU countries will be studied and pilot tested in the Czech Republic within the scope of the project. As this area is not developed at all in the Czech Republic, SIGMA will be asked for special support in drafting TOR.

    Implementation of the Reform of Central Bodies of Public Administration

    Based on recommendations of the Strategic Plan from the first phase of the Project of Improvement of Public Administration ministries and other central bodies will be provided with assistance in the form of seminars, training and expert services in the implementation of the proposed changes. Cooperation and effective communication among individual central bodies will be encouraged. Modernization teams within individual ministries, which have not been established in the first phase of the project, will be established and developed. The Advisory Experts Group, which was established in the first phase of the project, will constitute a consulting body for important project activities and outputs. Small ad-hoc teams will be established to implement specific tasks.

    In the next period, also after the end of the project, NTF intends to sort out and publish publications and studies (both Czech and foreign) acquired in the course of the Project.

    Another proposal relates to the creation of so called "textbook" for public administration employees, including quotations from and comments on important documents completed by international institutions. The purpose of this contemplated publication is to improve the knowledge of the Czech public administration about activities in European administrative sector and about the most important documents, which employees of public administration of the country seriously preparing for membership in EU, should know.

V. Overall Evaluation of the Project

Main objective of the Project - support of the process of Czech public administration reform, particularly in the area of strategy design and preparation of mechanism allowing to implement such a strategy - has been achieved despite of the fact that the conditions of project team work were, especially in the first half of the year, very complicated (as described in Part I herein).

Accomplishment of individual objectives A. - C. can be evaluated as follows:

Objective A. Logistic and Technical Support

Accomplishment of this objective was the most difficult and challenging activity. The project was implemented in the period when 3 governments were functioning and political support was, despite all efforts exerted by NTF management, achieved no earlier than in the latest phase of project implementation. The project placed main emphasis upon professional outputs.

Structures, whose establishment was within NTF's control, have been established (establishment of Project Team, Advisory Experts Group, creation of wide professional base consisting of cooperating experts, creation of international relations).

Steering Committee was, for the reasons set forth in Part I herein, established no earlier than in October 1998 and therefore the Committee received only project outputs without being able to influence the course of the project.

Modernization teams in individual ministries have never been established and therefore they could not participate in the project, nevertheless the Ministry of Interior expects their establishment in the next year.

The training program for managers of change focused on modernization of public administration was prepared and carried out on a pilot basis for a substituting group of attendants and is prepared to be eventually organized for the originally planned target group in the next period.

The support for Ministry of Labour and social Affairs in respect of drafting the civil service law has been provided continuously and specific proposals of solution for the future Czech legal regulations will be delivered to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs before the end of the project.

Objective B. Logistic and Technical Support

NTF views this fundamental objective as accomplished, and in many respect exceeding the scope of the original task. Major outputs of the project, Analysis of Public Administration in the Czech Republic and Draft Strategy for the Public Administration Reform, have been completed and positively evaluated by the Advisory Experts Group and subsequently delivered to end user. Beside these major documents the project team completed a number of additional studies (in the area of training, EU integration), which analyzed in more detail the topics identified within the scope of the Analysis.

Objective C. Pilot Projects

This objective can be taken as accomplished. Not only the detailed analysis of the condition and insufficiencies of the Czech public administration but mainly good cooperation with the Ministry of Interior in the last project phase helped to identify the follow-up projects. The projects were designed for implementation within the scope of Phare budget CZ9703-01 - WP3, which has been submitted to European Commission for approval.

NTF views activation of Czech experts in public administration and creation of information and work relations among them as an important by-product. We believe that such environment will facilitate next reforming steps of the Government with respect to the needs of our citizens and with respect to our membership in European Union.

VI. Annexes

  1. List of Steering Committee Members
  2. List of Members and Attendants at the Meetings of Advisory Experts Group
  3. Analysis of University Education for Public Administration
    (Separate material - only in Czech)- available in NTF
  4. Draft Strategy for Human Resources Development in the Central State
    Administration of the Czech Republic
    (Separate material) - available in NTF
  5. 5. European Dimension of the Reform of Public Administration - the Implications of the EU Membership for the Czech Public Administration
    (Separate material) - available in NTF