
Human Resources Development Systems in Public Administration

The project was implemented by National Training Fund in 2000 using the experience of foreign partners from public administration institutes - EIPA (European), CSC (British), INA (Portuguese) a VAB (Austrian). The aim of the project was to support the overall public administration reform process by the improvement of work with human resources.

The project was focused on the whole area of system development and on creation of specific methodologies for personal management as well. The other activities were focused on specific training programmes development.

Immediate beneficiary of project outputs was the Training Department of Reform Section in the Ministry of Interior. Nevertheless the project outputs will be submitted for further use to all public administration employees and to training institutions which take care of HRD in public administration.

The outputs were divided into three logical groups:

  1. the area of support to overall system development
  2. the area of specific methodologies for personal management development
  3. the area of creation and implementation of training programmes

Specific outputs in these areas are described in more details in project´s final report, where the overview of the project implementation and experts involved is included. Full texts of specific outputs (only Czech version), described in the final report, will be published on the website of Ministry of Interior.