How to go abroad with Leonardo

The Czech National Agency prepared and published the practical guide How to Go Abroad with Leonardo. The promoters of mobility projects and, especially, the participants in placements abroad are the main users of this booklet.


Both general information on all countries participating in the Leonardo da Vinci Programme and a more detailed description of each country is presented in the guide. The guide presents basic facts on geography and culture and on regulations concerning entering and staying in the country. Also, the required documents for placement participants and the relevant fees are specified. Information on what to do in case of illness, a description of health care system in the country and how to arrange for insurance are also included. Each country’s typical features are also presented. In addition, the booklet provides information on weather and rules for importing and exporting goods. Important addresses, phone numbers and internet contact data are presented as well. The content of the guide is expected to be updated regularly.



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How to go abroad with Leonardo

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