A master time schedule for the reform was drafted with a different degree of detail of its various sections due to the fact that also the substantive sections of the Proposals exhibit differences in terms of detail and specificity. It is understood that this schedule will need to be continuously monitored, evaluated and updated. A preliminary framework schedule is being presented, not a definitive and detailed one.

The proposed reform measures have been grouped in three tables as follows:

  • immediate (urgent) tasks (to be implemented as soon as possible; the actual deadline will depend on the ability of the respective public administration bodies to define and plan these tasks in detail and ensure their fulfilment; however, all these tasks should be completed by June 1999);
  • short-term tasks (January 1999-June 2001);
  • medium-term tasks (by 2003-2006, which corresponds roughly with the expected date of accession of the Czech Republic to the EU; a more accurate specification of these tasks will be the object of further planning).

The listing of the proposed measures follows the sequence of the chapters of the Proposals and refers to chapter numbers. The measures are viewed as consecutive components within one continuous processes of change; therefore they are included in the respective subject areas of the reform. The schedule refrains from listing required changes such as a new style of work, changed values, attitudes, ways of conduct, etc., which cannot be "implemented" as explicit tasks by a certain date. These changes will be kept in mind and encouraged in developing human resources, reviewing and improving the role, responsibility and style of work of public managers, etc.

12.1 Immediate Tasks (November 1998-June 1999)

Chapter Task Deadline
2, 11 Complete discussions and formulate reform strategy  
2 Ensure fundamental political consensus on reform  
2, 11 Adopt a Government document on reform strategy  
2, 11 Establish a Government Committee for reform management  
2, 11 Establish and staff units for management and coordination of the reform as a whole and in key state administration bodies  
11 Draft the plan of reform implementation and organize individual reform projects  
9, 11 Train the principal "actors" of the reform  
2, 11 Carry out first phase of information campaign on reform  
9 Design a training system for public administration (preliminary version)  
8, 11 Draft outlines and methodological guidelines for sector reforms  
8 Formulate strategic reform programmes in sectors  

12.2 Short-Term Tasks (January 1999-June 2001)

Chapter Task Deadline
Preparing for EU Membership
3 Pursue law harmonization  
3 Strenghten capacities for implementing short-term priorities according to Accession Partnership  
3 Establish institutions and competences for EU regional and structural policies  
3 Prepare for negotiations and carry out the first negotiation phase  
3 Support membership preparations by information  
Decentralizing State Administration and Reforming Territorial Administration
4 Hold broad discussion and adopt concept by Government  
4 Adopt laws and regulations concerning the establishment of regional administration, the definition of competences and elections to the boards of representatives  
4, 11 Organize for management, co-ordination, professional and material support of reform execution  


Assess the condition of the communes and communal administration, suggest how to overcome excessive disintegration of communes

Reforming Key Processes
5 Establish units for strategy and policy analysis at Government and sector levels  
5 Produce development policies and strategies for sectors  
5 Strengthen capacities for legislation and other norm-setting processes  
5 Issue guidelines and launch professional training for enhancing quality of law-making  
5 Strengthen financial regulation  
5 Draft and declare a programme of regulatory reforms  
5, 10 Define responsibility for overall development of the control system  
5, 10 Analyse existing control systems, prepare proposals for eliminating gaps and improving control efficiency  
5 Draft and adopt a policy framework and regulations for public sector management and public property administration  
5 Revise legal rules governing administrative procedure  
5 Adopt a programme of better communication with the public and start its implementation  

Reforming Finances

6, 4 Implement changes in public finances related to territorial administration reform  
6 Strengthen financial control  
3, 6 Establish a financial control system for EU structural funds  
Improving Organization and Management
7 Carry out an in-depth analysis of operation of the Government and central administration authorities and implement recommendations  
7 Implement recommendations for better coordination  
7 Adopt policy, institutional arrangements and application guidelines for IT use  
7, 11 Ensure institutional arrangements and staffing for improving organization and management methods in public administration  
Sectoral Reforms
8 Implement short-term tasks of all sectoral reforms  
Reforming Human Resource Management and Development
9 Train to support the reform  
9 Adopt policy and strategy of human resource management and development  
9 Adopt the Civil Service Act and programme of its implementation  
9 Define and adopt arrangements concerning legal, salary and social conditions of self-government employees  
9 Draft and adopt an ethical code and charter of public services  
9 Adopt policy and strategy for staff training and development and start putting it into effect  
9 Found and start developing a Public Administration Institute (Phase 1)  
9 Finalize conceptual design for the Local Administration Institute and strengthen the Institute  
Strengthening Democratic Control
10 Complete legislation guaranteeing the right to information and the duty of public administration to inform  
10 Reform the administrative judiciary and adopt new codification of complaints  
10 Establish an Ombudsman  
Organizing and Managing the Reform Process
11 Organize for medium-term reform tasks and projects  
11 Disseminate information on reform  
11 Monitor and evaluate progress of reform  

12.3 Medium-Term Tasks (July 2001-December 2003-2006)

Chapter Task
Preparing for EU Membership
3 Complete harmonization of law
3 Strengthen capacities for meeting medium-term priorities according to Accession Partnership
3, 4 Complete the development of institutions and competences for EU regional and structural policies
3 Establish capacities for implementing the acquis after EU accession
3 Pursue and complete negotiations (including support to negotiation teams)
3 Pursue information support of preparation for EU membership


Prepare for CR participation in EU activities and management after accession

Decentralizing State Administration and Reforming Territorial Administration
4 Complete organization of regional administration bodies


Complete new organization of the first tier of state administration


Prepare and hold elections to regional and local representative bodies


Monitor the development of communal structures and the actual functioning of the first tier of communal self-government and state administration; disseminate positive experience


Reforming Key Processes


Implement programme of regulatory reform

5, 10

Assess effectiveness of control and finalize the control system


Implement new concept of public sector management and public property administration


Adjust public procurement rules and practices to EU standards


Implement programme of better communication with the public


Reforming Finances


Modernize public budgetary rules


Complete reforms of public finances in conformity with EU directives

6, 10

Complete reform of financial controls


Complete the development of machinery and procedures for EU structural funds (administration, use and control)


Improving Organization and Management


Carry out in-depth analysis of efficiency and economy in public administration and launch programme for cost-reduction and savings


Install rationalization and cost-reduction as permanent functions


Sectoral Reforms


Implement medium-term tasks of all sectoral reforms

Reforming Human Resource Management and Development
9 Complete the development of personnel management system
9 Implement a new civil service system and an analogous system for staff of territorial self-government
9 Complete the development of a Public Administration Institute and its programmes
Strengthening Democratic Control
10 Introduce public administration accountability in areas of broader public interest
10 Evaluate impact and effectiveness of legal regulations of controls and adopt required corrective measures
Organizing and Managing the Reform Process
11 Update reform strategy
11 Disseminate information on reform
11 Monitor and evaluate advancement of reform
11 Carry out final evaluation of reform, produce and present report on reform implementation and proposals for further modernization of public administration