This analysis has been prepared within the framework of Phare project "Improving public administration in the Czech Republic - stage 1. The project was started at the end of 1997 with the aim of reviving the stagnating public administration reform and proposing a reform strategy for the coming period. The National Training Fund accepted responsibility for this project in a situation when there was no body authorized by government with overall responsibility for improving, modernizing and reforming public administration. Thus, the project reacted to increasingly frequent and sharp criticism of public administration from the public, business circles, academic circles as well as many of those working in public administration. Critics agreed that the development of Czech public administration was lagging dangerously behind the process of political, economic and social transformation in the country. An important stimulus was the standpoint of the European Union, which pointed out concrete shortcomings and problems and stressed that the Czech public administration was not prepared sufficiently for its role connected with the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union.


The project concentrates on two main outcomes:

An analysis of public administration of the Czech Republic (this document and other analytical and conceptual materials prepared within the framework of the project)

The draft of strategy for further progress of the reform of Czech public administration (this draft is being prepared now on the basis of an assessment of the analysis and further discussions on current priorities and possibilities).

Both outcomes will be submitted to the government with concrete suggestions concerning their use.


The summary report on the analysis of Czech public administration is a relatively brief document which is restricted to the main issues and conclusions. A number of specialized studies of different extent and length have been prepared as a part of the analysis; they deal with selected aspects and needs of state administration in the Czech Republic in detail. These studies are available for interested professionals. However, the basic ideas and conclusions of most of the studies made have been utilized in the preparation of the Summary Report.


The analysis attempts to assess Czech public administration and the possibilities of its further improvements from three basic perspectives:


from a historical perspective (past, present and expected future development, future needs; traditions and strengths, negative heritage of the past)

from an international perspective (world trends, international comparison, challenges and tasks connected with the preparation for EU membership)

from a pragmatic perspective (current possibilities and sources, public attitudes, the mentality of civil servants, the impact of the political situation).

The last chapter of the Summary Report on the Analysis of Czech public administration contains conclusions and recommendations formulated in such a way that they can be utilized in the next stage of this project, i.e. in the preparation of the practical draft strategy for the public administration reform. In addition, it is expected that several additional studies will be made in the respective areas, using interdisciplinary approach in many cases, as they seem necessary for the purposes of the public administration reform and modernization in the Czech Republic.


The National Training Fund finds it necessary to stress that conditions for preparing the analysis have not been and are not easy so far. There are many critical voices and opinions but not so many reliable analyses and proposals that can be used directly. Moreover, the impact of the complicated, unstable and fast-developing political situation has been felt, including the fact that the importance of highly competent, highly qualified, efficient public administration for the future of our country is not yet fully acknowledged in all circles. Nevertheless, we are convinced that we have managed to make significant steps forward by means of the Analysis.


The National Training Fund would like to thank all those who have directly cooperated in the work on the Analysis, or who have provided the necessary information and materials.