Appendix 4


1   Central organisation and decision-making
1.1   a constitution guaranteeing the right of the people to replace those in power, the separation of powers, and the rule of law;

1.2.   a government organisation providing for effective coordination among the ministries and a sound link with budgeting, giving the Prime Minister sufficient authority to assume the political leadership of the country;

1.2   a government organization providing for effective co-ordination among the ministries and a sound link with budgeting, giving the Prime Minister sufficient authority to assume the political leadership of the country;

1.3   procedures to ensure a coordinated policymaking and mplementing process including procedures for producing laws and regulations, ensuring that these are proper from a legal and technical standpoints and making it possible to assess their financial, economic and social impact:

1.4   an organisation of ministries whereby Ministers and policy staff are freed from daytoday implementation of policies and can instead concentrate on devising policies, drafting statutes and overseeing their implementation;

1.5   public sector which, in the areas in which it operates, is given specific tasks to fulfil with a degree of management autonomy, within the framework of clearly laid out legal structures.

2.   Territorial administration, and relations with citizens and economic actors
2.1   a certain degree of decentralisation

which, depending on the country, can apply at one or more levels with varying responsibilities and powers;

2.2   interaction between the national government´s territorial services institutions and local/regional authorities, making it possible to implement public policy effectively throughout the country;

2.3   a set of rules, sometimes laid out in a code of administrative procedures, governing relations between citizens and their government including obligations to ensure equal access to public services, to justify decisions and to respect time requirements, to conduct proceedings in which all parties have a righ to notice and an opportunity to be heard, to provide for remedies and appeals, etc. (for instance, through an Ombudsman - type institution).

2.4   a set of rules and guidelines providing for ongoing communication between the government and civic society and its components, including NGOs and unions.

3.   Means of action and control
3.1   a professional civil service governed by laws, with hiring and promotion based on human resources management policies (including merit, skills, motivation, stable work force), loyally implementing government policy.

3.2   a set of rules and ethical guidelines, guaranteeing the accountability of public institutions and the reliability of administrative acts including priorities governing the ethical behaviour of public servants;

3.3   budget and tax authorities which can ensure that taxes are collected and that public funds are correctly managed and effectively spent.

3.4   internal and external institutions responsible for monitoring administrative decision-making, respected by civil servants and safeguarding against corruption;

3.5   ready access by citizen and business to a court system with procedures providing for the prompt and final settlement of disputes including where appropriate, the development of capacities to address economic, administrative and other special areas.