CEI  2005
28.-29.4.2005, Prague, Czech Republic
Miroslava Kopicová
  (Chair Person)
Tel: +420 224 500 511
e-mail: kopicova(zavinac)nvf(tecka)cz

Jarmila Modrá
  (technical assistance)
Tel: +420 224 500 560
e-mail: modra(zavinac)nvf(tecka)cz

National Training Fund
Opletalova 25
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic


CEI Working Group Human Resources Development and Training

WG meeting in Prague, 27.4.2005

WG HRD&Thas been established as one of 17 sub-sections within the Central European Initiative. Its work is focused on support the HRD in CEI countries and the exchange of experience among them through the seminars, training sessions, round tables, conferences and other networking activities. WG´s main theme is the further education and training with the special attention to the labour market, employability, economical and social consequences. It is focused on needs of world of work, not on education as such within the formal educational system, which is the main theme for the CEI Task Force "Education". Nevertheless the close co-operation with the TF Education is envisaged. The Czech Republic has been chairing the WG HRD&T.

The WG focuses its strategy on the creation of possibilities of human resource development through the sharing of experience in the economic reforms and the discussion of key issues of transformation and integration processes.

The main goal of the programme is to assist CEI countries in their preparation for future accession to Euro-Atlantic structures. It also expresses the aim of CEI countries to co-operate with their neighbours, to share their transformation and integration process' experiences and to support the less advanced countries in their economic recovery and further development.

The programme is based on activities - seminars/conferences/training courses - offered by different countries and representing their experience in the transformation and integration process as well as activities mostly demanded by participating countries. In principle all activities are co-financed from different financial resources. A part of costs is financed by participating countries or by the co-operation with the CEI Co-operation Fund.

The activities of the WG on HRD&T are dealing with the following thematic blocs: European integration; macroeconomic stabilisation policy; legal and economic aspects of the transformation of selected sectors of the economy; human resource development and training.