Country | Address | Tel./fax |
Albania | Mr. Edmond Hoxha Mininstry of Labour Tirana |
Tel./fax +355-4-24 76 72 |
Austria | Mr. Mag. Reinhard Nöbauer Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Dept. II.5. Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Vienna |
Tel. +43-1-531 204 107 Fax +43-1-531 204 130 reinhard.noebauer(zavinac) |
Belarus | Mr. Yaroslav Mitzkevich Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Integration Dept. Lenina Str. 19 220010 Minsk |
Tel +375-17-22 89 15 51 Fax +375-17-22 27 45 21 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | ||
Bulgaria | ||
Croatia | Ms. Ljiljana Pancirov, Head of Department Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Trg N. S. Zrinskog 7-8 10 000 Zagreb |
Tel. +385-1-45 98 002 Fax +385-1-45 98 063 |
Czech Republic | Dr. Miroslava Kopicová, Director National Training Fund Opletalova 25 110 00 Praha 1 |
Tel. +420-2-24 50 05 00 +420-2-24 50 05 13 Fax +420-2-24 20 05 01 kopicova(zavinac)nvf(tecka)cz |
Hungary | Mr Tamás Köpeczy-Bócz, Director NVTI Mr. István Simonits National Vocational Training Institute, Berzsenyi u. 6. 1087 Budapest |
Tel. +36-1-210-10-63 Fax +36-1-210-10-63 Tel. +36-1-210-1065 Fax +36-1-3036007 |
Italy | Ms. Valentina Curzi Ministry of Labour via Castel Fidardo, 43 00100 Rome |
Tel. +39-06-46 83 53 69 Fax +39-06-43 58 85 45 |
Macedonia | Mrs. Olga Dukovska Atov Ministry of Education and Science ul. Ilindenska bb 1000 Skopje |
Tel. +389-2-12 84 37 Fax +389-2-11 85 70 odukovska(zavinac) |
Moldova | ||
Poland | Mr. Leszek Jodliñski Director of the Department of European Integration and International Cooperation National Labour Office ul. Tamka 1 00-349 Warszawa Ms. Aneta S³awiñska |
Tel. +48-22-836 75 63 Fax +48-22-836 75 65 jodlinski(zavinac) Tel. +48-22-836 75 63 |
Romania | Mrs. Madlen ªerban, Director General General Directorate for Human Resources Ministry of National Education 28-30, G-ral Berthelot Str. Bucharest |
Tel./fax +40-1-31 45 420 |
Slovak Republic | Ms. Miriam Kováèiková Ministry of Education Stromová 1 833 36 Bratislava |
Tel.: +421-2-69 20 22 31 Fax: +421-2-69 20 22 27 kmirka(zavinac) |
Slovenia | Mr. Jure Mežek State Undersecretary at the Governement Office for European Affairs Slovenska 27-29 1000 Ljubljana |
Tel. +386-1-4782228 Fax +386-1-4782310 |
Ukraine | ||
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |